
Turn trauma into triumph, confusion into clarity, and grief into growth after narcissistic abuse


Warm greetings and welcome to Rise, Thrive & Be Free

I am dedicated to helping you overcome and heal from narcissistic relationship trauma and abuse, break trauma bonds, and Rise, Thrive & Be Free in your life.

I understand narcissistic abuse, and C-PTSD, from personal experience. I know what you are going through, have been through, what you are facing, and how devastating, invalidating, painful, and overwhelming it is.

Narcissistic abuse makes you feel imprisoned. I know how critical it is to truly break free, and live the life you are meant to have.

With support, and experienced guidance, you CAN heal from the trauma of narcissistic abuse, overcome the challenges of C-PTSD, and emerge stronger, wiser, more fulfilled and purposeful than you thought possible.

Get in Touch – and Rise & Thrive!

Please note: I am not a licensed therapist, and do not provide professional psychological counseling.